Mwanza,Tanzania +255 759 682 826

Aquatic Conservation

Freshwater ecosystems within Lake Victoria are highly threatened to extinct. There are eight two Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and two Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) sites identified by International Union for Conservation Nature (IUCN). RedList assessments indicate that freshwater fishesof the Lake Victoria Basin are under high levels of threat.Out of 234 species assessed, 86 species are classified asthreatened representing 55.5% of allextant assessed species. This level of threat is significantly higher thanthat for the combined freshwater fishes of continental Africawhere 26.6% of assessed specieswere reported as threatened. To a largeextent the high number of threatened species is linked to thedramatic decline and potential extinction of many endemichaplochromine cichlids within Lake Victoria, resulting fromthe interactions between multiple increasing human-inducedstressors. Despite the high levels of threat, only one freshwater fishspecies native to the basin has been confirmed Extinct.

Blue Victoria is raising awareness for existence Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE). Promote the conservation and recovery of endangered fish species and their habitats and, support the engagement and participation of Indigenous Peoples in stewardship ecological system.

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Mwanza Tanzania

+255 759 682 826

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